1. According to the standard:
A. TL82316-2018-03.8.7 Impulse
B. DIN SPEC 74106:2015-08 9.85 Impulse test for temperature change
2. Technical parameters:
Pressure: 0.5-20MPa;
Ambient temperature: -45-180 ° C;
Medium temperature: -40-165 ° C; Medium selected PAG oil
Frequency: 0.01-2HZ;
Tooling: 10 channels tooling (10 channels tooling that meets the requirements of TL82316);
Meets the 1.TL82316-2018-03.8.7 Impulse and DIN SPEC 74106:2015-08 9.85 Impulse test for temperature change and other standard impulse tests;
The purpose of adding a pipeline purge system is to meet the requirements of TL82316-2018-03.8.7 to clean the test equipment before the experiment and reduce the residual medium oil in the system;
Promotion keywords: TL82316, DIN SPEC 74106:2015, refrigerant R744 hose impulse test stand, CO2 air conditioner hose impulse test stand.