1. Burst test
Test pressure: 5 ~ 150Bar (No dead zone in the interval)
Total boost rate: 6 ~ 100bar / min arbitrarily adjustable (Linear)
Peak record: Measurement and control software record
Test medium: High temperature oil RT-160 ° C
Pressure measurement accuracy: ±0.25% F.S
Pressure control accuracy: ±1.5% F.S
Holding time: Arbitrarily set
Maximum number of stages: 30,000 stages
2. Airtight test
Pressure 0~20Bar (Limit pressure 21bar) adjustable
Test medium: Compressed air
3. Typical users:
Shanghai Mahler, Shanghai Yinlun, Hubei Mahler, DANA
4. Product sample:
Engine oil cooler, machine filter module, housing, etc.